Welcome to Mrs. Michele Turnitza's
Health Office!
Dear Parent/Guardian:
All students in the 6th and 7th grade within the state of Pennsylvania are mandated to have a scoliosis screening. Scoliosis is an abnormal sideway curvature of the backbone. The certified school nurse will do these screenings during gym and/or health classes during the months of November and December. Any 6th grade student not previously checked at the time of their 6th grade physical exam and all 7th grade students will be screened by Mrs. Turnitza.
To assure an adequate view of the spine, it is required that students expose their backs during the private and discrete screening process. It is recommended that boys wear a shirt that can be easily removed. Girls should wear a bra, camisole or bathing suit top with sweatpants.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs. Michele M. Turnitza, RN BSN NCSN
Below you will find some important information from the District's Nursing Office.
St. Lukes:
Covid Safety Guidelines English
Covig Safety Guidelines Spanish
The following criteria should be used to determine if a child is well enough for school:
- A student will be sent home or should remain at home with a temperature over 99.4 with symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, or rash or 100.4 temperature with no symptoms.
- Communicable diseases such as pink eye, scabies, ringworm, and influenza need to return to school with a note from the health care provided clearing them for attendance.
- Students need to be fever free as well as free of vomiting or diarrhea symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Students who require dismissal from school due to illness must be dismissed to a parent or emergency contact on the child's emergency card.
- If a medical emergency occurs and a parent or emergency contact cannot be located, 911 will be contacted and the student transported to the hospital listed on the emergency card (if possible) or the closest emergency room.
- If a physician's note is required for absence by the attendance office, sending an ill student into school to be sent home by the nurse does not eliminate the need for a physicians note.
Here at Saint Clair Area Elementary/Middle School we believe that healthy children learn BEST! My office is always open, so please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I welcome you to visit my other pages to check out the links for important health and wellness information as well as necessary medical forms.

Exciting news!
Our school is again participating in Kinsa’s FLUency™ school health program. I will have a limited number of free smart thermometers, so please reach out to me at [your email / phone number] to request one for your family!
Important Links:
A Message from your School Nurse
Triennial Wellness Policy Assessment
Wellness Letter
Wellness Snacks and Pricing
Symptom Checklist
Health Update Form
New School Vaccination Mandated Requirements
Asthma Action Plan
Private Physical Exam Form
Private Dental Exam Form
Smile Programs (We are expecting them to screen eligible students 9/21, 22 & 23)
Reserve your KINSA Thermometer Here
Kids Health Info-COVID-19
PIAA Pre-Participation Physical Form
Flu Activity (Elementary)
Scoliosis Letter to Parents
Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan
Seizure Action Plan
Growing Up Permission